CFFL #TVM19 Released!
Note: Starting this issue, I will be sharing the cover of CFFL – The Vineyard Magazine and recognize the talented people behind each issue’s cover. For the past issues’ covers, click here > TVM issues # 01 – 18 covers. Also, visit and like our Facebook Page as well. :) Finally, I’ll also put on my letter, the “Editor’s Note” too! #TVM19 – Editor’s Note – I have been out of the country for the past five (5) months, in fact I missed the Destined for Greatness Echo conference. I was back home in Cebu right before New Year and I was a spectator of all the events happening inside the community via…
#FanGirlModeOn: Jennifer Garner movies
#Fangirl moment On! Let’s talk about entertainment! 😊 Yeah, I am an Alias fan! If you’re a friend on FB or IG- you’d probably see me popping in some Jennifer Garner stuffs! Started swooning about this amazing lady since Alias days. And this year, as she kick some butts once again in her come back action movie Peppermint – I’d like to dedicate this blog post for her and the movies / TV series she’s into. Also it is my (“fangirl”) way of helping her promote #PEPPERMINTmovie which will be released tomorrow! 😉 Are you a fan too? Let me know which movie/series you love the most. Comment below and let’s…
Henri Matisse nailed it in saying “Creativity takes Courage” – true indeed! “CREATIVE” “CREATIVITY” “CREATIVE LIVING” Big words!!! Yes they are! I believe the very reason that Matisse said that it takes courage because being “creative” – most of the times looks like a highfaluting word in such a way that there must be something great, sparkling or amazing! A high level personality inside you. But personally, I think everyone can be creative. We just have to unleash it and be open to possibilities. When we create something, out of our passion or any creative expressions through writings, arts, music, DIYs etc, it is putting out ourselves to the world (whether…
Abu Dhabi – List of 30 places to visit 2018
Abu Dhabi – UAE is my second home♥. Right after leaving Cebu in 2008, this city has become closest to my heart. In fact I have stayed there for 9 years. So I have decided to share this list of 30 places to visit in Abu Dhabi. Note: I have intentionally left the malls, cinemas and cafes not on the list. Read related stories: Abu Dhabi 10 To celebrate my 10th year stay in the UAE, as September is my UAE anniversary month, I’ve come up with this quick, short and sweet list of the places to see/visit in the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi. Emirates Palace (photo during…
VW Series 002 – WATER
To learn more about this series, read: VW Series Intro & VW Series 001 Spiritual Need no. 2 : Appreciation of Oneself – Remedy – WATER – aka Self-awareness & confidence of the truth that you are God’s son/daughter. Water is the most consumed liquid in the world. It helps us with our survival and sustains our body needs to continue circulating blood as the cells and other organs have to do their bodily functions. Like water, our spiritual need #2 – Appreciation of Oneself – has such requirements to continuously replenish and rehydrate our self-confidence. But don’t get this in the wrong side of the coin… This…
Gratitude Journal with a Twist!
Do you love writing journals? I do! Or shall I say, I did! My favorite TV show back in my High-school days was G-mik and Roni/Ronalisa (You’d know who she is if you are a fan… curious? this is her IG) used to write diaries. So as a teen and a trying hard writer (been really trying hard ever since… 🤣 hahaha) I took my own space and started writing diaries! Oh by the way – it was also in High school that I read Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl – that inspired me to start the journalling too! Fast forward 2010 ~ 2011 – I found myself less…
TakeHome-ily: Open up for the Lord
From yesterday’s Gospel – I’d like to share a few reflections. Jesus reveals himself as the “bread of life”. Majority of us have a hard time accepting this. But let us try to be open to the mysteries of God. Let us be open especially when it comes to our faith. Kahit gaano ka ka-“ganda” (ang tao o bagay man) kapag sarado ka – hindi tutuloy sa atin ang biyaya ng Diyos. However good or beautiful you are (as a person/things/situation) if you are closed and not willing to share your life. You would not see the blessings of the Lord. Be OPEN for the LORD. Open up – starting…
VW Series 001 – The SUN (Sunlight)
From VW Series Intro, comes series 001 – The SUN (or Sunlight) Out of the original outline, I have personally came up with the concept of “how to take care a plant”… and thought of ways/words to compare it to the theme of being in a vineyard or farm. Questions like: how to make it grow? What will it take from being planted? to being pruned, rooted and eventually bear fruits…? So I came up with these: the basics include the sun/sunlight, water, fertilizer and human. Praise God for guiding me and that I somehow managed to relate it similarly to the SFL Life verse from John 15. This VW…