Quality Gymnastics Air Tumble Mat from WholesaleAirtrack
Quality Gymnastics Air Tumble Mat from WholesaleAirtrack Back when I was a kid I am a big fan of gymnastics; the truth is – it used to be my dream to become a gymnast. I guess I was influenced by Kimberly, that pink ranger at … 🎼 ♫ ♬ Cue, Go Go Power Rangers (soundtrack) 😂 lol hahaha Kidding aside, although it was fun and exhilarating experience to do the cartwheels in the green grass back in our grade school covered court garden, safety is a mandatory consideration if you plan to go further with that dream of becoming a gymnast. My dream has long been buried down to my younger…
Podcast Interview @ Our Food Adventures
Podcast Interview @ Our Food Adventures. Another breakthrough and milestone I’ve faced this year, is this opportunity to be interviewed for a podcast! I was first introduced to listening to a podcast way back 2016 when I get hooked to a certain Youtube video that talks about podcasting. From then on, I started to discover amazing podcast shows which I listen to whenever I am in transition such as riding a bus going somewhere or sometimes when I’m cooking. In fact, I have shared last year my top 5 favorite podcast here. Never did I thought that I will – one day become a guest of a podcast! ha ha…
11 Things to do while waiting for your Flight
Instead, I find this opportunity to actually observe and made this list of 11 Things you can do while waiting for your flight – – – especially if it is delayed. :D So, let’s do this quickly! 1. Sleep – Duhhh! This is a scene we all see. So catch up some snore moment. 2. Eat – Because you wake up early or late, so you missed to take breakfast, lunch or dinner just to catch your flight but ending in the waiting game because of – – you already know! So go ahead, suit yourself and choose whatever is available in the restaurants at the airport! …
Life Lately + See you soon, Dubai!
Life Lately . . . Before the year ends (2017), #TheKokobears (Darrelle and I) hit the road from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. A new life + adventure + service awaits us there. Hitting the road didn’t end there, I also hit the air (haha) by flying back to the Philippines and closed 2017 in Cebu. Allow me to give you an overview of how’s life lately and once again, I’m hitting the road/air back once again – heading to Dubai this time (Well, I guess I might just landed when this post goes public.) December 2017 💫 Went home on the 29th and arrived Cebu at 6 AM on the…
Books I’ve Read (of Pages and Chapters)
Of Pages and Chapters, allow me to share the books I’ve read. I don’t really consider myself a bookworm, I am just one ordinary girl who reads books. I guess in this life time I might have not completed a hundred or two. Trying my best to accomplish that. hehehe At least to give justice to my profession of being an educator… Well I guess, adding all the textbooks, I bet I’ve reach 100! :) Anyway, here’s my humble list of pages and chapters of that world called books! :) Majority of these books I have read a long time ago and can’t recall the exact year… So instead of…
Book Review: All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (by Robert Fulghum)
Book Review ALL I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN By: Robert Fulghum Genre: Non-Fiction | Published: 1986,1988 There is magic from its title alone. There is curiosity that tickles the mind on what he means with it. Fulghum’s wit and simplifies the ordinary things and made them extra special. It is a delightful read that will leave you smiling in between the chapters and pages of this book. It is simply a collection of short narratives in his life which quiet applies to ours too. He also started this book with a list of basic things we learn in KG that truth be told – still…
Favorite Blogging Apps
Favorite Blogging Apps! Every blogger has his/her go to blogging apps – whether you use it through your mobile phones and on your desktop/laptop. There’s been hundreds of app around IOS & Google Apps Stores that helps bloggers and vloggers to polish our contents and everyone has his/her favorite. Here is my humble take on this: 1 – WordPress App Major major top bill on this list, is the main blog platform, WordPress! There are times when I am away from my laptop, so made sure that WordPress app is handy on my phone. Draft ideas on titles, photos and write ups are easily saved while I am out…
Kayne Series (Vol. 5) – #AtoZChallenge2018
Kayne Series Volume 5 – The #AtoZChallenge2018 Athena | Basketball | Car | Diary | Education | Fantasy | G-mik | Height | Internet | Julie Mae | Kayne | Letters | Mtv | Novels | Ouiting | Paris | Quiet | Relax | Singing | Tash | Ur105 | Vj | Work | Xinsei | Yuck | Zoo * * * The above A to Z was my list way back 2004-2005, I guess I made it during my late CNU days. Before posting this, I have made a new version of this #AtoZChallenge for 2018. * * * What has changed? What’s the difference after a decade?…