VW Series Intro
Who doesn’t love freebies? Welcome to my freebie downloadables! :) Through the years of blogging and with this online lifestyle, I often come across a lot of pages, bloggers and sites that have been generous enough in sharing their worksheets, tips and stories. So to give back and pay it forward, I’ve dedicated this page for you! As a THANK YOU! :) *BlogLife/Online How to make a Blog (2018) – guide Phone Wallpapers (Faith/Bible Scriptures) Like these… *Self-Care/Knowledge/Awareness AtoZChallenge GET YOUR FREE DOWNLOADABLE 90-DAY PLANNER. *Vineyard Weekend SeriesThis is a series of activity worksheets that I have created to help you explore more the Vineyard Weekend activities for SFL and…
This Week: Reminder
“Where can I run from your love? If I climb to heavens You are there”. “If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea, Still I find you there”. – You Are Near, page 236, CFC-FFL Sound of Trumpets songbook” #GodIsWithUs #LSS The above thoughts and reflections (also became my Facebook status) and tweetable are only three of the many “REMINDERS” God has bestowed upon me within this week. Made me think that there seemed to be a pattern for the whole 7 days. As I was contemplating on what to pray and be grateful for – for my nearly similar day-to-day housewife life,…
How to process a Husband/Wife’s Visa in Dubai UAE
How to process a Husband/Wife’s Visa in Dubai UAE (Guide for First Timers) For 9 years, almost 95% of this blog has tagged Abu Dhabi because I’ve been a resident there for that period… But this year a change has come. As I bid goodbye to 2017, I also waved bye bye to Abu Dhabi and moved to Dubai for a new challenge and chapter of our life (collectively together with Kokobear!) Yes, you read it right, starting now you’ll see more Dubai related blog posts and we are starting now! I spent 5 months back home (in the Philippines) and waited for the transition that both Darrelle and I…
Meeting the demands of the 21st Century through dynamic learning.
Meeting the demands of the 21st Century through dynamic learning. There is no doubt that the 21st Century has indeed arrived. In everything that we do, developments in technology have, in one way or the other, helped improve the way we live. All industries are experiencing massive changes in the way they do things. The so-called “4th Industrial Revolution,” deemed to revolutionize the way industries shape our world concerning new technological discoveries, is now happening. Innovations and advancements in technology, with words like “Artificial Intelligence,” “Nanotechnology,” “Bioengineering,” “Renewable Energy,” “Quantum Computing,” to name a few, have profound effects on the many facets of our lives that several years ago…
My TEACHERS, through these years . . .
They were my mentor, guide and model. As part of the Teaching Room, and because school season has recently kicked-off once again (in the Philippine setting/ summer now in the UAE). Setting aside the hustle and busy days of purchasing school materials and thinking of the current tuition rates… I would like to share the list of names of my teachers. Growing up I am someone who knows exactly what I want to be and so, these people are indeed important as I continue to mold my mind and heart. TEACHER; a superhuman individual producing miracles every single day. /// Funny story though; back in the early grade school years…
Send Flowers as Your Get Well Soon Gift with Little Hut Flowers
Send Flowers as Your Get Well Soon Gift. When someone is unwell because of sickness or just feel under the weather because of one reason or another, you can do something to make them feel better. One of the best ways to do that is by giving them a get well soon gift. Having a gift delivered in this condition will eventually help to brighten their day. :) There are so many kinds of get well soon gift you can choose from and flower is absolutely one of them. Studies have proved that flowers and plants have a kind of positive impact to human’s emotional and mental health.…
Quality Gymnastics Air Tumble Mat from WholesaleAirtrack
Quality Gymnastics Air Tumble Mat from WholesaleAirtrack Back when I was a kid I am a big fan of gymnastics; the truth is – it used to be my dream to become a gymnast. I guess I was influenced by Kimberly, that pink ranger at … 🎼 ♫ ♬ Cue, Go Go Power Rangers (soundtrack) 😂 lol hahaha Kidding aside, although it was fun and exhilarating experience to do the cartwheels in the green grass back in our grade school covered court garden, safety is a mandatory consideration if you plan to go further with that dream of becoming a gymnast. My dream has long been buried down to my younger…