8 Years in Abu Dhabi
This is a quick post on how time passes by. My Facebook newsfeed today, 12th October 2016 showed a 7 year photo of me being home in the Philippines. That was my first “OFW Balik-bayan moment” after a year of being in the world’s richest city! Those years seemed to pass in just a click. A lot have changed, few remained the same and one thing has been constant. Changes – Aspects in life such as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychological and more. Remained – Family (also constant), Friends (true one stays), the same JM or BJ that left Cebu in Sept 2008 etc. Constant –…
SRI LANKA Day 2 – Sigiriya, Elephant Ride & Safari
It’s day 2 blog now! Catch the earlier stories and previous post links at the end of this blog. Day 2 – Sigiriya, Elephant Ride & Safari -Left hotel at 5:30 am – Hike Sigiriya Mountain – Elephant ride – Safari – Head home, dinner on the way at Mango Mango – Arrived hotel at 11:30 pm Climbing Sigiriya in Dambulla Entrance – 4620 Rupees (125 AED) – Kinldy note that Locals & Foreighners have different entrance fee. Tour Guide – starts at 400 Rupees ( more or less 35 AED ++) – Optional. SIGIRIYA as you read it on Wikipedia is world reknown site (a rock fortress)…
Kayne Series (Vol. 2) – Social Media YES/NO Questions
Taking a break from the Sri Lankan blogs for a while and took time to share another volume of getting to know yours truly :) . I call this series as KAYNE Series – where I will be sharing you some stuffs about me. Kayne Series – Volume 1 were some basics. So , this is actually Volume 2 – with it, I’ll share something from Facebook bucket list- that was shared by many of my friends and answer it here in this blog post. Bucket list – Please play along and do yours on the comment section of this blog :D Put a yes or no next to the ones…
Sri Lankan Foodie – ආහාර (āhāra)
As a part of every travel; it is indeed a good way to know more about a country’s culture with their food. Sharing a separate blog post of our gastronomic adventure in Sri Lanka! Trivia: While in Sri Lanka, the 3 of us never had lunch!!! Wanna know why? . . . Read on! :) Two (2) of the three (3) days tour that we had started early in the morning because of the distance of the sites we visited. Day 1 & 2 – we had our packed breakfast. The hotel packed a very “safe” set of breakfast for the three of us: Cheese Sandwich, Orange or…
Glenloch Tea Factory. See my short review of this place on Trip Advisor. In-TEA-resting: Glenloch – Tea Farm/Estate & Factory Address: Nuwara Eliya Katukithula, Sri Lanka Phone Number: 094 052 225 9646 www.glentea.com As I have mentioned on my SL Day 1 blog, this “in-TEA-resting” visit is worth a separate blog. So here it goes! Among the five (5) sites we visited for our first day (14 Sept 2016) tour is Glenloch Tea Factory. I was happy to learn about something about TEA. I love drinking tea and it helps to actually understand and know about how it is being processed and prepared. It took us around 1 hour plus to…
SRI LANKA Day 1 – Kandy & nearby areas
After the “CEYLON” intro blog and the summary of our SRI LANKA Itinerary, here comes day 1. Day 1 – Kandy and nearby areas – Left the hotel at 6:30 am – Elephant Orphanage – Spice & Herbs Garden – Temple of the Tooth – Tea Estate – Ramboda Waterfalls – Head home, dinner on the way @ Dee Tree – Arrived hotel at 10:30 pm Elephant Orphanage @ Dept. of National Zoological Garden (Colombo Zoo) www.colombozoo.lk – Pinnawalla Rambukkana • Entrance Fee – 2500 Rupees (67 AED) – with 1 AED = 37 Rupees The elephants are trained to carry their own food and even some logs. We…
Sri Lanka Trip Itinerary Summary
As of writing, the 3 of us (Kokobear, Ate Amie and I) are now in the airport going back to Dubai/Abu Dhabi. It’s 5:27 am – from Colombo airport there is a layover to Mattalla for an hour then Dubai. While waiting to board FZ 551 I have chosen to start this series of blog with the summary of our itirenary! Day 0 – Arrival Checked in the hotel – Paradise Beach Hotel in Lewis Place Negombo. It is 15-20 minutes ride from the airport. Talked to HF (Holiday Factory) representative – Mr. Vasantha regarding our plan for the daily tour. We walked the street in Lewis Place where restaurants…
Ceylon | 2016
A Detour to Ceylon To some of you who know our Eid getaway plan this year, perhaps you’ll be surprised that #ByaheNgKokobears is heading to another destination. Don’t wanna mentioned where we’re supposed to be but this time we are heading to CEYLON or now called SRI LANKA and we have a special guest, Ate Amie joins the adventure! After the twist and turns of events, I started reading about this new destination and found some interesting places and activities. As an intro blog, I will be listing below what I expect to experience and shall update this once we complete or miss those items. While reading this, we maybe…