DIY – MER 2 Giveaways
Hi there! Another DIY blogpost here! It’s called 💝 love + light 💡. MER or Marriage Enrichment Retreat is a pastoral formation teaching for married couples in our community, MFC Missionary Families of Christ in the UAE. It has a series of talk and has the vibes of a love forum/wedding mood. As part of the service team, Kokobear and I were assigned to do the creative side on video presentation and giveaways. Koko did the video and mine is the giveaways. So this is what I came up. A bulb with lights inside and we added the family photo of the participant. A 🎀 ribbon and a heart…
MARCH & APRIL 2019 | Blog Recap
***MARCH & APRIL 2019 | Blog post RECAP*** A month late for March but better late than never… hehe :) Here’s a back-2-back Blog Post RECAP for MARCH & APRIL 2019. ***MARCH 2019*** 💚 CFFL #TVM21 Released! https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/cffl-tvm21-released/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: KayneChi (Kimchi https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/kusinanikayne-kaynechi-kimchi/ 💚 DIY – H&M Wedding Gift Ideas https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/diy-hm-wedding-gift-idea/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: Squash and Kale Salad https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/kusinanikayne-squash-and-kale-salad/ 💚 9 Stellar Tips for your First Trip to Singapore https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/9-stellar-tips-for-your-first-trip-to-singapore/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: Kayne Salad # 1 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/03/kusinanikayne-kaynes-salad-1/ ***APRIL 2019 *** 💚 Goal Setting – The Four Questions to Answer https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/04/goal-setting-the-four-questions-to-answer/ 💚 Hiatus 3.0 – JM Kayne, signing in and back…
Goal Setting – The Four Questions to Answer
I’ve come across Amber Rae’s blog post on Goal Setting: Four Questions to Ask When Setting Your Next Goal. In that blog post she explained her own answers to these 4 questions and as I launched my GOAL of releasing my book/workbook The Creative Passport, I’d like to answer them too. These are the 4 QUESTIONS: What is your goal? Why do you want to do this? How do you want to feel in the pursuit of your goal? And what can you do to feel that way? 1. What is your goal? My goal is to release the Passion Project that I’ve worked with for the past year since…
Hiatus 3.0 – JM Kayne, signing in & back at it
Hello family and friends! WARNING: This post doesn’t have a photo. Only words – words from my heart. It’s been a while… I’m happy to be back after the third year in a row that I went MIA during the lent season. For some of you it might be a first but some friends know the drill. To be honest, that’s the only sacrifice I’ve made this lent. I was planning to do the “no soda” too but my brother-in-law was in town, so it was tough to keep up. Anyway, I’m dropping this blog post as a short wrap-up of the things/activities I’ve done in the past 40 days.…
Dubai – Abra, Gold Suoq, Spices and more!
This blog post is a short photo blog of our recent visit to Dubai Creek’s GRAND SOUQ DIERA (the OLD DUBAI City Centre). It is where we ride the abra (at 1 AED per ride), a boat going to the other end of the souq and been greeted with a big tourist crowd also exploring the market. We found the Gold souq, souvenirs of all sorts, a pretty porcelain and hand crafted design plates, colorful spices, shawls, magnets and all other crafts plus more! It’s actually my second time here, and yet this time, I feel like I belong more than just a tourist from Abu Dhabi. This time I…
Dubai – Emirati Food @ Al Bait Alqadeem R&C
Al Bait Alqadeem Emirati Heritage Restaurant & Cafe, (Near Al Ras Metro Station (Old Dubai) It’s been a decade since I first moved to the UAE, but this will be my first ever authentic Emirati cuisine experience. This has become possible because Kokobear together with John2x (my bro-in-law) and Gladys (his gf) have decided to visit the Gold Souk at Diera (old city in Dubai) today. It was just a simple site-seeing session, riding the Abra, looking around some spices at the Suoq, also souvenirs for John to bring back to Italy and gold hopping! hehe As the night catches us up, we’ve decided to look for a place for…
Abu Dhabi – The Lourve Museum
The Lourve Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island UAE How to get there Basically the easiest way for anyone to get there is by taxi. It took us 10-15 minutes from the city centre going to Saadiyat island where the museum is located. And don’t worry about going back home, there’s a long cue of taxis on site. Basic Information The Lourve Museum is Abu Dhabi’s take of the Lourve museum in Paris. It is part of a thirty-year agreement between the city of Abu Dhabi & the French government. Inaugurated on 8th Nov 2017 by French President Emmanuel Macron and United Arab Emirates Vice President Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Crown Prince of…
5 Year Plan: How to Get Yourself Out of Debt
It’s easy to get into debt but it’s not so easy to get out of it. Most people innocently spend money they’ve borrowed thinking it won’t be too much of a strain to pay it back. They never think about the things that could go wrong, like job loss or increased rates of interest. If you’re struggling for ways to get out of debt, take a look at the tips for a five-year plan below. Stop Spending The key to getting on the right track with your debt is to stop creating more debt. You’ll never be debt free if you aren’t willing to stop debt in its tracks. That…