Book Review: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (#KonMari)
Book Review THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP By: Marie Kondo Genre: Self-Help | Published: 2011 This book is the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, the #KonMari way. This #1 New York Times best-selling guide to declutter your home using Marie Kondo’s strategy takes a lot of readers step-by-step through KonMari Method for simplifying, organizing, and storing. In 2017, Kokobear bought me this book as a gift and I have tried this process. So let me share a little bit of how it goes: The Process STEP 1 – Visualize your destination, ask yourself why you want to live like that. Be specific. STEP 2 – Clean in one or 2 days…
JANUARY 2019 | Blog post RECAP
JANUARY 2019 | Blog post RECAP This is such a blessed month, full of collabs! :) Here’s a run down of the first 13 post this year on iamjmkayne.com Marriage Counseling: Not a Popular Approach but Why Consider it? Check out Regain.us and their counseling services… 💚 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/01/marriage-counseling-not-a-popular-approach-but-why-consider-it/ Bikes: How Can You Choose? Love bikes? Check these posh bikes from Six Three Zero! 💚 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/01/bikes-how-can-you-choose/ How A Good Motorcycle Jacket Can Help You How about completing your motorcycle ride with a jacket and helmet? Bike Bandit can help you with that! 💚 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/01/how-a-good-motorcycle-jacket-can-help-you/ Patient Brave Courageous The current status of my heart… 💚 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/01/patient-brave-courageous/ Owning…
3 Mindsets All Creatives Must Have
You have it. Yes! You have it! You are destined for greatness and you have the gift that only you have. It’s been one of my favorite quote that “Everyone can be Creative”. You just have to unleash it and be willing to explore different creative pursuits. Eventually you’ll know that you have what it takes and you have a gift from above. Not sharing your gift to the world would also mean that you don’t honor God for your talents. So don’t hide it – be you, be creative! A student of life mindset I’m a Lavendaire fan and Marie Forleo follower and both ladies are a big fan…
Relationship Goals: Expectation VS Reality
Relationship Goals: Expectation VS Reality How time flies, I vividly remember celebrating Christmas and New year of 2018 and now we are off to the second month of 2019. Hello hello February! Wow, how time flies! February is known for Valentine’s Day – a day or even a month-long celebration that are visible all over the malls worldwide. Hearts and other decorations all the way. Setting the tone for a Love month all merchandise and corners of a shop or mall may have their décor now. Then, you see a lot of your friends and family and not so close friend/acquaintance (+ favorite celebrities on their IG) doing all their…
Marriage Counseling: Not a Popular Approach but Why Consider it?
Marriage Counseling: Not a Popular Approach but why should you consider it? It’s been almost five years now since the day we exchange vows and life has always been under adjustments based on the new challenges, learnings and discoveries between me and my husband. Recalling the years when I was single, I never thought that God would allow me to meet him away from my own homeland. Oppsss, don’t get me wrong I’m not sharing about our love story, I’m just having that as an intro to another interesting topic of marriage and family life. It is sad that the world nowadays has been totally accepting realities of divorce. “Making…
Bikes: How Can You Choose?
Bikes: How Can You Choose? Are you in the market for a new bike? You are not alone. There are a lot of people who are searching for the right bikes but not all of them are able to find the bike that is right for them. How can you choose the one that is best for you? There are some things that you have to decide on: Consider the different types of bikes that are available. The various types can be used for different types of terrains and purposes. Take a look at the features and the components that are being offered by the bikes that caught your…
How A Good Motorcycle Jacket Can Help You
How A Good Motorcycle Jacket Can Help You There are some people who say that you are expected to spend a lot of money on your motorcycle gear. Some even end up spending more on their gear as compared to their chosen motorcycle. There are two accessories that you need in order to ride your motorcycle well. The first one is a motorcycle helmet and the second one is the motorcycle jacket. Why Do You Need a Helmet? You obviously need a helmet because without this, you will not be able to ride in certain areas. If you are caught riding without a helmet, you will be given a ticket…
Patient Brave Courageous
Thursday night was a little emotional night for me. Every thing was doing well, a nice dinner with Kokobear and a few discussions and then something (I can’t totally recall what) led me to be a little off. So I went to bed earlier than the usual. Of course I didn’t sleep right away, still battling that sleepless/insomnia every single night. So I took myself into prayer mode while lying down and suddenly I caught my tears drenching on my face. I wasn’t sad about what happened right before I lie down. I was emotional because somehow for a while I haven’t actually dig deeper into what has been happening…